Section Hiking Episodes

Dec. 19, 2022

Episode #39- Michelle Samson "How has hiking helped you discover your strength?"

In this episode, Courtney talks with Michelle Samson, a local hiker on the Illinois trails. They talk about what it is like for an extrovert to hike alone, why she prefers cold weather hiking and how hiking as allowed her to celebrate her sobriety and...
Jan. 3, 2022

Episode #5 - Diane Harsha (Sticks) Do you have to do it all at once?

Diane "Sticks" Harsha section hiked the entire Appalachian Trail over the course of 13 years. Her hiking helped her manage stress, grief and eventually retirement. She hiked solo and with companions, one of which become a thru hiker in her own right - Peanut (see episode #6 - Is Hiking Sexy?)
Guests: Diane Harsha , Sticks
Dec. 20, 2021

Episode #04 Shannon Ryker - What is a Mountain Snob?

Have you ever heard the story of the Little Engine that Could? Today’s guest shows that same kind of drive and determination to make her dream of thru hiking the Pacific Crest Trail, despite multiple setbacks and course corrections. Shannon Ryker...
Guest: Shanon Ryker
Nov. 15, 2021

Episode #2 - Teresa Ebert (Halo)

Mother of four, wife, and hiker
Guests: Teresa Ebert , Halo