Jive Turkey

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I am a 39 year old Thru hiker originally from North Carolina that currently lives in south Florida when not on trail. I have done several small thru hikes including the Bartram Trail in 2010, the Wainwright Trail 2016 and soon to finish the Pinhoti trail. My long distance Thru hikes have included the Appalachian Trail in 2021 and the Pacific Crest Trail in 2022.

Nov. 7, 2022

Episode #33 - Garrett "Jive Turkey" Tandy "What is it like to re-enter the Matrix?"

In this episode, Courtney talks with Garrett "Jive Turkey" Tandy for a check in after his most recent thru hike on the Pacific Crest Trail. They talk about the different experiences of forest and desert hiking, the challenges of a hiking season full...
Guest: Jive Turkey
July 11, 2022

Lightning Round #2 - Garret "Jive Turkey" Tandy

In this Bonus Episode, Courtney gets unfiltered with Garret "Jive Turkey" Tandy in a fun game of lightning-round questions! Garrett Tandy, Jive Turkey, is an accomplished hiker. After completing his 2021 thru-hike of the AT he started planning his...
Guest: Jive Turkey
March 7, 2022

Episode #9 - Jive Turkey - "Is getting off trail a failure?"

Garrett Tandy, or Jive Turkey, completed his Appalachian Trail Thru hike in 2021 and decided to take on the Pinhoti Trail next. Garret talks with Courtney about his experiences on this trail that made him rethink his gear, his reason for hiking that...
Guest: Jive Turkey
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