Exploring North Carolina's Lookout Towers
Jester has been obsessed with the Fire Towers in North Carolina and beyond for several years. This obsession is partly the fault of Peter Barr. Peter wrote a book back in 2008 titled, Hiking North Carolina's Lookout Towers and the book included a "Tower Challenge." Jester accepted the challenge and has been to all but a few towers from that book.
Peter Barr has fueled Jester's love for NC Fire Towers again by releasing his updated book, Exploring North Carolina's Lookout Towers! As you will hear, Peter is an avid hiker with a love for Lookout Towers, Peakbagging, and adventuring with his wife, Allison Barr.
Thank you to Phillip Ouellette of Trailsigns for sponsoring this weeks episode!
Be sure to use the discount code "Jester" for 10% off your order!
Connect with Phillip Ouellette of Trailsigns:
Trail Signs: trailsigns.etsy.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/trailsigns/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/trailsigns
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Lsy7WGJ9mE
Thanks for listening and Happy Section Hiking!
Connect with Peter Barr:
Website/Book: https://nclookouts.com/
Email: pjbarr@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nclookouts
YouTube: https://youtu.be/jxLGeAlFcdU
Peter Barr - Speaking at Macon County Public Library: May 6, 6:30pm ET
Register by emailing: Kristina Moe, kmoe@fontanalib.org
Forest Fire Lookout Association:
CMC Tower Challenge: https://www.carolinamountainclub.org/index.cfm/do/pages.view/id/25/page/Lookout-Tower-Challenge-(LTC)
"Jester" Completed NC Lookout Towers:
Connect with Julie "Jester" Gayheart:
Email: jester@jestersectionhiker.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jestersectionhiker/
Website: https://www.hikingradionetwork.com/show/jester-section-hiker/
"Jester" Reference Tools, Gear Lists, Hiking Resume and more:
Music for the Podcast provided by:
The Okee Dokee Brothers - "Through The Woods"