Feb. 29, 2020

Cori Strathmeyer (Pajama Mama)

Cori Strathmeyer (Pajama Mama)

Cancer Kicking Hiking Warrior

Cori Strathmeyer, aka Pajama Mama, shares with Jester in today's episode why she decided to start section hiking the Appalachian Trail. Cori talks to us about how section hiking the AT went from a goal to a lifestyle for both her and her husband.

We also hear about the newest member of her family; "Faith". Special thanks to Hostel Owners Tina from the Quarter Way Inn and Neville from Woods Hole Hostel for helping Jester answer a listener submitted question.

Connect with Cori Strathmeyer:
Blog - www.thespacebetweenblog.com

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/TheSpaceBetweenBlogdotcom/

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/the_space_between_blog/

"Let's Talk Gear" w/ Steve Kammeyer: Jester and Steve talk about an alternative route to the John Muir Trail and the gear needed for that route! Steve also answers another listener-submitted gear question about the Vargo Titanium Bot!

Thanks for listening and Happy Section Hiking!

Quarter Way Inn: https://www.quarterwayinn.com/

Woods Hole Hostel: http://woodsholehostel.com/

Connect with Julie "Jester" Gayheart:
Email: jesternc2212@gmail.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jesterhikes/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jesterhikes

Music provided for this Podcast by The Okee Dokee Brothers
"Through The Woods"

Connect with Steve "Ki-Ki" Kammeyer:
Email: stevekammeyer@gmail.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/BackpackingGearFleaMarket