Episode #245 - Alan Carpenter

Ever walking, ever living.
Another full show today, with Alan Carpenter taking up long-distance hiking in his 60s and still going today, well into his 70s.
Alan's story is a testimony to his persistence, while his joy at the people and sights of the various trails he has done shines through. He does get a little banged up from time to time. In our conversation, you'll hear about how he got his legs into the state you see below. Ouch!!
You can learn more about Alan and his hiking at https://longdistanceadventures.com/, while he is also available at https://alantcarpenter.com/. Alan's book about a healthy lifestyle is at https://www.amazon.com/Choose-Better-Live-Healthy-Choices/dp/1734254408/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=choose+better%2C+live+better&qid=1605221852&s=books&sr=1-1
Julie Judkins and I talk about Education and Outreach at the ATC. Julie has shared a document that highlights their JEDI approach!! You can read it here. https://appalachiantrail.org/our-work/about-us/jedi/
I was so struck by the beautiful new medal from Hiker Medals recently and wanted to share it with you all AND get Wim Schalken on the show to tell us about it. He even includes a new discount code!! Go to https://www.hikermedals.com/product-page/2020-medal-free-engraving
Larry Luxenberg's "Walking The Appalachian Trail" makes its debut on the show this week. It was written in the 90s and has contemporary stories from the era that offer some interesting counter narratives with some of today's hiking journals. Should be fascinating. If you can't wait for me to read it all, you can buy it from Amazon, here. https://www.amazon.com/Walking-Appalachian-Trail-Larry-Luxenberg/dp/0811730956
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