Episode #289 - Chris Casado (The Commissioner)

Planned Adventures
Chris Casado was lucky enough to be taken on a hiking trip in the Sierras at the age of 14 by a teacher who became a good friend. Fast forward 25 or so years, and Chris and his teacher are offering the same trip–and other trips–to people of all different hiking abilities. Even Chris's children have shared the adventure.
Given my love/hate relationship with the John Muir Trail (I love it, it hates me), talking with Chris opened my eyes to a possibility that I may still get to Mt Whitney one day. I think you'll be fascinated by both his story and the trips that he offers. They certainly stirred my imagination as soon as we started speaking.
If you'd like to learn more about Chris and his operation, visit https://tsxchallenge.com/
You can also check out his free backpacking courses, which he's offering this fall, at https://www.eventbrite.com/o/tsx-challenge-7513511981
Katie was late to report in this week, with Mahoosuc Notch occupying her for much of the day. We finally caught up just in time for this week's episode. What an adventure she's having.
Winton Porter's Passin' Thru continues to show the variety of people–and problems that passed through HIS life at Mountain Crossings.
Please check out our sponsor's website, https://cedartrailgear.com/ and thanks to those of you who've either bought or are considering buying the Three-Point Multi Tool.
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