Jan. 23, 2025

Episode #468 - David Kibiloski (Texas)

A higher purpose

David Kibiloski is our guest today. What starts as a story about his Appalachian Trail thru-hike, tracks his evolution into an AT hostel owner, then a 501(c)(3) with AT Kids, followed by Stumble Inn 2.0. It is a fascinating journey.

You can follow David on his website, at The Stumble Inn and AT KIDS - A Perfect Partnership.

We also started what I hope to be a bidding war for Smercomics, a political satire book that David owns (unopened), but he is willing to offer to the highest bidder from our audience. All funds will go directly to AT Kids. I’m starting the bidding at $100. I hope you’d like to join in. You can email me your bid to steve@hikingradionetwork.com, and we’ll run it for a couple of weeks before announcing the winner. You will get an email back from me if your bid is exceeded, just in case you'd like to up it again!!

I also wanted to share a link to my friend, Rob Diamond’s YouTube page, as he is channelling George Eschleman from a few weeks back by taking dog tags with him on his AT hike this year. You can find it at Rob Diamond (DogTag_on_the_AT)

Our book reading, Happy Hiking, by my friend, Emily Leonard is–of course–written from a woman’s POV and a woman’s voice. I hope you enjoy listening to my reading of it. If you’d like to buy the book, you can find it on Amazon at Happy Hiking: Falling in love on the Appalachian Trail, or on Emily’s website, at Happy Hiking.

Our new sponsor for the New Year is TSX Challenge, who turn one week into inspiration for a lifetime. And I should know. Chris at TSX told me he could get me to the top of Mt Whitney…and he did. Check out their incredible group hikes at TSX Challenge - Guided Backpacking Trips to Mt. Whitney, Grand Canyon & Beyond, and save 10% at checkout by using the code MIGHTYBLUE.

I used my hike earlier this year on the South West Coast Path in the UK to help raise money for my absolute favorite charity, Parenting Matters, on whose board I’ve been privileged to serve for over a decade. You can learn more about the hike and the organization–and donate–by visiting Hike with Steve - Empowering Parents, One Step at a Time | Parenting Matters %. I hope you want to support this critical mission.

Don’t forget. Our entire series of videos from our Woods Hole Weekend in 2022 is now FREE and available at my YouTube page at Woods Hole Weekend - Trailer There, you’ll find all sorts of tips and tricks that our guests took away from the weekend that helped them with their own hikes this year. Check it out.

I often ask listeners for ideas on who to interview, and I’m sure several of you say, “I could do that. I’ve got an awesome story to tell.” You’re the person we need to hear from. If you’d like to be interviewed on the podcast, just register as a guest on the link below, and I’ll be in touch. Come on the show!

If you like what we're doing on the Hiking Radio Network, and want to see our shows continue, please consider supporting us with either a one-off or monthly donation. You'll find the donate button on each Hiking Radio Network page at Hiking Radio Network .

If you prefer NOT to use PayPal, you can now support us via check by mailing it to Mighty Blue Publishing, PO Box 6161, Sun City Center, FL 35751. Any support is gratefully received.

Additionally, you can “Zelle” us a donation to steve@hikingradionetwork.com. It works! Trust me!

If you'd like to take advantage of my book offer (all three of my printed hiking books–with a personal message and signed by me–for $31, including postage to the United States) send a check payable to Mighty Blue Publishing at the address just above.