Bit by bit by bit.
A thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail isn’t everybody’s idea of the best way to spend time in the woods. Judy Mikesell became interested in the trail through her son’s thru-hike several years ago. She knew that she didn’t want to thru-hike but she certainly wanted to visit the various parts of the trail. Her novel approach has enabled her to build her own version of hiking the AT without ever needing to go without a shower or needing to use a privy.
To try to get as full an AT experience as possible, Judy also took part in the Half-Gallon Challenge at Pine Furnace Grove. From the look of the picture above, it didn't look like it went too well. Judy is very much into the outdoors, setting herself a similar biking challenge to the one she has her sights set on for the AT, as well as snowshoeing in the winter.
Doc Spot sees Lynne giving us (or at least me) entirely new information about lightning and what to do should you get caught in a storm. Also, click on this link for further information from the NOAA. Don’t forget to check out our other podcast, Returning to Katahdin: An Appalachian Trail Dream, where we follow Bruce Matson as he prepares, then executes his 44-year dream of thru-hiking the AT. At the same time, Bruce is also raising funds for the Appalachian Trail Conservancy. You can learn more about Bruce and his mission by visiting his website, While you’re online, why not check out the website of our title sponsor, Trailtopia. You’ll find all sorts of goodies there. We thank them so much for supporting our shows.