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First time listening
Been trying to find a podcast “ P1” and find this show fits the bill. The host is way cool. Funny. Respectful. Wry as a sonofagun. Up until last year only dreamed of hiking again. Glad I found this podcast as I have been training to hike the CO Trail but the At holds a fond piece of my heart. I live 3 hours from the start of the AT and this podcast has me driving to the trailhead tomorrow and my son is gonna drop me off on Monday. I am gonna give it a go. I am 67. You inspired me today. Thanks!

Hiking podcast!
Thank you so much for doing this podcast! I love hiking and plan to do more and longer hikes in my retirement. This is great information to help me.

Best podcast out there
I don’t hike and I’m not an outdoors person, but this podcast has inspired me. The interviews cover hikers of all experience level and age, so it’s appealing to a broad audience. Mighty Blue delivers great trail stories, interviews, personal experiences, and insights. It’s a “must-listen” for hikers and adventurers.

mixed bag, but ultimately I enjoy
for me, a very moving moment is when this woman starts to cry because the gentleman has a podcast spoke to her via phone when she was in Maine, and she didn't believe herself, but she can finish gets here is so beautiful and thanks to his encouragement believe in her she did. I didn't care for the diabeticwho is eating very dangerous food but I'm glad that people with diabetes one or two can't pick the trail but to be eating sugary toxic waste is just not a pleasant thought although I know the trail that's the go to

Absolutely Love It
I recently stumbled onto this show - although I’ve never met Steve, I feel like I’ve known him forever. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to pull together what it takes for a through-hike, but my wife and I are planning our first section hike soon. Steve I love your style of narrating and your way of conversing with people on the show - you are very accomplished! Also love how you weave in your personal life and your books, chapter by chapter. The fact that you are still plugging away and very active after all these years shows your level of passion for the AT and hiking in general. Keep up the great work!!

I stumbled upon this podcast because every now & then I re-address my desire to hike through the AT. After listening to several of the episodes, I’ve decided to start training (today!) and plan for hiking it next year. Not sure when I’ll begin but I’m going to do it. I’ve even got a trail name which I decided on last winter, while diving into YouTube’s re the AT. I’ll let you know when I start!!

My new go to podcast
I heard of Mighty Blue from the Hammock Hangers podcast. Now I listen everyday to and from work. I started hammock camping and have a renewed interest in camping (tents kill me). And out of no where I got this weird interest in backpacking. I don’t even hike, or didn’t. I have gathered some cheap gear and am planning my first overnight this fall. I am not sure I will ever gather enough money and good gear for an Appalachian trail trip. But your show has me thinking it’s completely possible someday. We are going on vacation including gaitlinburg area this fall and I am hoping to atleast get into the Smokys and see the trail. Just to see it, be on it for a moment.

Way to Go Zach!!!
I tuned in this morning to listen to whom I thought would be my son - who forgot to tell me his interview was pushed out. No worries, I enjoy listening to all MB’s episodes. Zach Cross was the main hiker interviewed. What an amazing story. So inspiring. Way to go Zach. Reach out when you get to Monson, Maine maybe Batman and I can help.

What a fantastic podcast! I started listening to the podcast after it had been out for a couple years, so I am playing catch-up. But so far (around 100 episodes in), all I can say is what a fantastic podcast. Great host and great guests. Definitely gets you in the head space of hiking of any kind. Keep it up! Thank you!!!

Top shelf podcast
One of those podcasts that gets played as soon as it’s released… it’s real, it’s honest, ‘handled with aplomb’ a great way to ‘checkout’ from a crazy world & remembering what’s important

Always a joy!
Look forward to each episode. Thanks for being, Mighty Blue🫶🏻

Loving It
An insightful and inspiring podcast for all hikers and hikers-to-be. Better than a walk in the woods. :)

Mt. Whitney
I have listened to every one of your podcasts but that was the Best!!!

Cookie Monster and husband
I love your podcasts! I am trying to find the one with Cookie Monster and her husband. He bragged about her food so much that I wanted to look up her recipes but I can no longer find the podcast. Can you help please. Thank you for all the work you do on your podcasts!

Entertaining and educational!
Recently found this podcast and I am enjoying every episode. I love the combination of interviews with experienced hikers with the reading of Steve’s book. I am binge listening as fast as I can!

My Favorite Podcast
What a well done show! Steve is so well prepared and engaging. He could cary a show on any topic, I believe. I’m glad he chose the AT and hiking - very inspiring and encouraging.

A great, informative listen!
Whether you’re a rabid thru hiker or just a day hiker in your own mind, Steve’s show is a great listen. He has a wide variety of hikers and gear suppliers as guests, and provides ideas and options for your outdoor and trail life. His self-effacing presentation is entertaining and gives you the feeling that if you can hike 200 yards without requiring a hit of oxygen, you can thru hike as well. Cheers!

Episode #316 - Ken Good ((PTL)
Thanks Mighty Blue for the opportunity to talk with you about my 2020 AT Thru Hike! It is an honor to be on your show. Hope your hike is going well! PTL!

Sheltowee Trace Episode
Great interview with our worthy leader, Trail Dust. Much love from the first 2 women in 2012, “Laverne and Shirley”.

Great podcast
I like all the experienced hiking stories.

Steve brings his British charm and wit to this wonderful podcast. I don’t miss an episode!

The Usher
Thanks for the wonderful and fun programs

Fantasy hiker
Many many many, years ago I read a book about the Appalachian trail. I had a desire to hike it but life got in the way & time passed. Now at 77 with frail bones it isn’t possible. But I do love listening to you & your guest. Karen

This is one of the first podcasts I found when I was researching hiking the trail. I grew up hiking the New Hampshire main part of the trail never thought I do the whole thing. Now that I’m close to retirement I’m getting ready to do it. These podcasts our inspiration for us OG’s

Great Listen Even For Non-Hikers
The stories, accomplishments, and struggles of the hikers interviewed are often inspiring, funny, and insightful. Steve, the host, is thoughtful in his interviews and makes each of them interesting. While I don’t hike, I never miss a show. Recently, I found his Hiking Radio Network and have started to listen to one of the women hiker hosts. Great stuff.

A Must Listen
Steve Adams (“Mighty Blue”) is a must listen of you’re at all interested in the hiking community in general and/or the Appalachian Trail in particular. His inciteful questions draw-out the guests and make each show something truly special! Plus, he has a cool accent!

The One
Exactly what I was looking for. AT and beyond. Tips and tricks! Perfect balance of history, tips, and host/guest experiences.

From the Beginning to Episode 168
This podcast has gotten me through physical therapy for knee issues, dog walks, meal cooking and dish washing. I’ll keep going now as I attempt to prepare for a section hike of the Foothills Trail this fall with my husband. We are just a few years years you get than Mighty Blue, and this podcast has encouraged me to reach for some more backpacking adventures! Thank you, MB!

Best electronic discussion for hiking I’ve ever heard
If your a hiker you got to listen to this podcast

Well done
Great podcast. I listen when I hike! Not the AT that’s too long. But I dig this podcast!