Jan. 25, 2022

Episode # 140 - Julie Wilson-Freeman (Stripper)

Episode # 140 - Julie Wilson-Freeman (Stripper)

A Second Appalachian Trail Thru-Hike

After completing the AT in 2018, Julie Wilson-Freeman, aka Stripper, decided she wasn't quite done.... she shares her stories of the last 150 miles of her complete section hike of the AT, complete with rock scrambles and rebar climbing, and dancing on top of Katahdin.

Bio: I have been married to Jon Freeman for 7 years, but have only been home twice to celebrate our anniversary! Usually I’m out hiking. I am 57 years old (birthday in a few weeks!). I have 2 children, Andrew and Kaytlyn and 2 step-sons, Jonathan and Eric. My kids are married; my son has 3 children (2 girls and a boy) while my daughter has one son (4 grandbabies total--2 girls and 2 boys). I lived in Indiana for 55 years and have been in Cosby, TN for just a couple of years now. I taught freshman composition at Ivy Tech Community College for many years and I’m now a shift manager for the Nantahala Outdoor Center and have worked there for 2 years.
I have completed the AT twice now, once as a section hiker, finishing September 1st of this year and once as a thru-hiker (2018).

Guest Links-
Julie on Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/juslearningolf

Nantahala Outdoor Center/Gatlinburg- https://noc.com/locations/gatlinburg-tn/

Thoreau Walking Essay- https://faculty.washington.edu/timbillo/Readings%20and%20documents/Wilderness/Thoreau%20Walking.pdf

Climb up Katahdin- https://www.relive.cc/view/vPv4ydyXM3O

Rainbow Springs Campsite hike- https://www.relive.cc/view/vNOPY7G8EY6

Hiking to Antlers- https://www.relive.cc/view/v1vj1dQ3RYq

Mahoosic Notch!!- https://www.relive.cc/view/vmqXXNPm5oq

Connect with Anna, aka Mud Butt, at info@traildames.com

You can find the Trail Dames at:
Our website: https://www.traildames.com/

The Summit: The Summit 2022 - Presented by the Trail Dames http://www.traildamessummit.com/2020.html

The Trail Dames Foundation: Trail Dames Charitable Foundation http://www.tdcharitablefoundation.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/traildames/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/traildames

Hiking Radio Network: https://www.hikingradionetwork.com/

Hiking Radio Network on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hikingradionetwork/

Music provided for this Podcast by The Burns Sisters
"Dance Upon This Earth"

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