"Jester" Section Hiker

Oct. 3, 2020

Day Hike Gear List (Fall 2020)

Safety First
Sept. 26, 2020

Mary Stewart (Angel)

MST Section Hiker
Sept. 19, 2020

Jim Grode - MST Trail Resource Manager

Maps, Guidebooks, and Day Hikes
Sept. 12, 2020

Kate Dixon - MST Executive Director

A Director's Perspective
Sept. 5, 2020

Toast and Jammz - Ever Green Adventure Foods

Giving back and building a sustainable business
Aug. 29, 2020

Will Dukes (Tick Bait) Part 3

"The Why, The Way, The Will" Part 3
Aug. 22, 2020

Will Dukes (Tick Bait) Part 2

"The Why, The Way, The Will" Part 2
Aug. 15, 2020

Will Dukes (Tick Bait) Part I

"The Why, The Way, The Will" Part 1
Aug. 8, 2020

Brew Davis (Brewgrass)

What a great guest we have for you on today's show, Brew Davis! I have wanted to have Brew on the show for a while now and we were finally able to connect. Not only is Brew Section Hiking the Appalachian Trail but he is also an accomplished Musician...
July 25, 2020

Section Hiking the AT (Days 33 - 39)

Urgent Care
July 18, 2020

Section Hiking the AT (Days 26 - 32)

July 11, 2020

Section Hiking the AT (Days 19 - 25)

It's Steaming!!!
July 4, 2020

Section Hiking the AT (Days 12 - 18)

Hiking Inspiration
June 27, 2020

Section Hiking the A.T. (Days 5 - 11)

Drying Out
June 20, 2020

Section Hiking the A.T. (Days 1 - 4)

A Soggy Start
June 13, 2020

Jen Theisen (Wandering Pine)

Adventure - Advocate - Share
June 6, 2020

Jaunting Jan (BeeKeeper)

The Gypsy Life
May 30, 2020

Kris Van Handel & Jared Wildenradt

Ice Age Trail
May 23, 2020

Leo McGonagle - Combat Veteran

Multiple Tour Combat Veteran
May 16, 2020

Taran Branscum (Barley)

Section Hiking & Trail Maintaining
May 9, 2020

Mark and Casey Moore (No Nail and Mo Miles)

50th Birthday Hike
May 2, 2020

Cory McCall & Rob Gasbarro - Outdoor 76

Champions of the Community
April 25, 2020

Chris Burke - 29,000 Miler

29,000 Miles and Counting