
Feb. 10, 2023

Episode #24 - Danny Warnock (Superior Gear)

This week Pheonix and I have a chat with the owner of Superior Gear, Danny Warnock. We have a great chat with Danny and find out a lot about his background, places he has been, and a lot about how Superior Gear came to become a business. Connect with Danny…

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Jan. 27, 2023

Episode #23 - Pheonix (Warmth With Tarps & Quilts.)

Pheonix is back with me this week to chat some about tarps and quilts, and how they should be used to help keep warm in cooler weather. We also mention about something we have planned for the podcast in the future. Don't forget to use the discount code hangcon23-15 when…

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Jan. 20, 2023

Episode #22 - HangCon 2023 ( Behind The Hang)

As most of you know, HangCon 2023 was last weekend so for this episode I wanted to bring on the full crew, well minus 1, that helps to make the event what it is. We just have a little chat to introduce everyone and tell what roll each one played…

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Jan. 13, 2023

Episode #21 - Dutch (Dutchware Gear)

This week's episode of the Hammock Hangers Podcast, Pheonix and myself team up together to have a chat with another hammock legend of the hammocking community. Most of you should know him, and if you are like Pheonix and I, you have probably given him your credit card number a…

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Jan. 6, 2023

Episode #20 - The HangCon Crew, minus 2

This week, since it's the Friday before HangCon, I wanted to try and get the HangCon crew together to chat some. I was successful in doing so, minus 2. Cap'n Carry On and Lil Ricky were not able to make it, so I'll have to have them as solo guests…

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Dec. 30, 2022

Episode #19 - Pheonix & Nanny Skidz

This week AJ Glenn (Pheonix) and Heather Beck (Nanny Skidz) both join me as we go over our top 3 for 2023. We discuss our top 3 pieces of gear that we are looking forward to purchasing in 2023, our trips that we have planned for 2023, and our general…

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Dec. 23, 2022

Episode #18 - AJ Glenn (Pheonix). The Best, Worst, & Scariest.

Merry Christmas everyone. This week with everything going on to get ready for the holidays, I figured it would be easier to just have Pheonix back on and hear some more of his ramblings and talk about his best, worst, and scariest times hammock camping. Connect with AJ Website Link.:…

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Dec. 16, 2022

Episode #17 - Kurt Zitzelman (Hemlock Mountain Outdoors)

This week we have a chat with Kurt Zitzelman, the owner of Hemlock Mountain Outdoors, out of Pennsylvania. We hear his story about how he got into hammock camping, and how that led into starting the company and making hammocks, tarps, quilts, and accessories for others to buy and enjoy.…

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Dec. 9, 2022

Episode #16 - Skunkape & Pheonix (Game changing gear)

This week, Pheonix is back on with me and him and I talk about our top 5 pieces of gear that have been game changers for us. You will hear us talk about what those pieces are and why they have been game changers for us. Connect with Paul "Skunkape"…

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Dec. 2, 2022

Episode #15 - Anthony Kaplon (Half Baked)

This week on the podcast we have a fellow Appalachian Trail thru-hiker, Anthony Kaplon, that completed the trail using a hammock the whole way. Anthony done his thru hike during the span of 2019 and 2020. He done the first half southbound at the end of the 2019 season from…

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Nov. 25, 2022

Episode #14 - Skunkape & Pheonix ( Talk about HangCon)

This is a special HangCon episode where Pheonix and I go over all of the details about the event. We get asked a lot of the same questions from people that will be joining us for the first time at HangCon so we just wanted to go into detail on…

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Nov. 18, 2022

Episode #13 - Paul Collins (Skunkape)

The script gets flipped this week when Pheonix comes back on and interviews me as a guest. We talk about my 2012 Appalachian Trail thru-hike, and how I used my Clark North American Hammock the whole way. Connect with Paul "Skunkape" Collins Email : HRN Website : Facebook…

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Nov. 11, 2022

Episode #12 - AJ Glenn (Pheonix Talks gear)

I have Pheonix on again this week to talk about some gear topics. he has three different categories that he will be talking about which include, gear he will always buy, gear that he will always make, and gear that he regrets buying. And he explains his reason for each…

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Nov. 4, 2022

Derek Tillotson (Haven Tents)

Our guest this week is Derek Tillotson. Derek is the founder and CEO of Haven Tents. An adventure hammock company based in Utah. From their launch on Kickstarter in 2019, they have continued to grow and move closer to their goal of making sleep the highlight of camping. Now in…

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Oct. 28, 2022

Episode #10 - AJ Glenn (Hammocking For Larger People)

This week I have brought AJ Glenn or Pheonix back on to discuss a topic that he holds dear to his heart and is also very familiar with. There really isn’t a lot of good information out there on this topic either. The topic I am referring to is hammock…

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Oct. 21, 2022

Episode #9 - Skunkape & Pheonix (Trip Report)

AJ and I talk about the trip reports from the Woods Hole Weekend and also Fall Sprawl. We discuss the happenings of the 2 events to give those that did not make it an idea of what the events are like. Both events were such an amazing time. Both are…

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Oct. 14, 2022

Episode #8 - Shug Emery (The Lord of Lollygag)

This week we have a very special guest join us. Most of you probably already know of him, and the ones that don't, should. He is a former Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey's circus clown. He has been a camper and backpacker his whole life. And in 2007 he…

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Oct. 7, 2022

Episode #7 - Julie Gayheart (Jester)

This week I have a chat with good friend and fellow podcaster, Julie Gayheart, or most of you may know her as Jester. Jester and I talk about an event that we are currently at to help host and be presenters at called The Woods Hole Weekend. Since this is…

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Sept. 30, 2022

Episode #6 - Palmetto State Hangers Fall Sprawl Hang

On this weeks episode we have 2 guest joining us this week. Heather Beck, which was on a few episodes back, and she is joined by Brian Odgers. We will be hearing how Brian got into hammock camping, and also some more about the upcoming Fall Sprawl in South Carolina.…

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Sept. 23, 2022

Episode #5 - Dan McNeill (MCN Hammocks)

This week we have Dan McNeill from MCN Hammocks join us on the podcast. Dan has been camping and spending most of his time in the woods since the 70's. In 1987 he joined the army and got to travel around the world. Over that span he experienced the evolution…

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Sept. 16, 2022

Episode #4 - Jan Walker (Fluffy)

Our guest this week is Jan Walker, or also known as "Fluffy". Jan got into hammocking when she started planning a solo, self supported run/walk across the US to raise awareness, and donations for the 9/11 National Memorial Trail Alliance. On March 1 of 2016, Jan set out on the…

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Sept. 9, 2022

Episode #3 - Heather Beck (Nanny Skidz)

This week I talk with Heather Beck and hear about how she got into hammock camping when her and a friend went on a camping trip, and she couldn't stand sleeping in the tent. She also tells us about her first group hang and how she became one of the…

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Sept. 2, 2022

Episode #2 - Cal Fenton & Kristen Zook (YOBO Gear)

Cal & Kristen are the owners of YOBO Gear. Hear how they got their start into hammock camping and also how the idea for the freestanding Cricket Stand and the Freedom Stand were born. They have also provided the discount code below so you can get one of their awesome…

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Aug. 21, 2022

Episode #1 - AJ Glenn (Pheonix)

I have a chat with the very first guest of the podcast, AJ Glenn, and hear about how he got into hammock camping, a trip he just got back from, and how he ended up taking on the roll as the head organizer of the largest hammock hang in the…

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